Woundabout Lev Rosen Ellis Rosen 9780316370783 Books
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Woundabout Lev Rosen Ellis Rosen 9780316370783 Books
Though written for young people, probably junior high or high school, I loved reading this book. I think it speaks to any age person. At first I thought the drawings looked a bit unusual, but I came to love them too. They are VERY expressive and help to tell the story. Once I read page one and the first sentence on page two, I laughed and was curious to see what was next. This book is a mix of fantasy and a moral tale which left me feeling happy.Tags : Woundabout [Lev Rosen, Ellis Rosen] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>Welcome to Woundabout, where routine rules and change is feared. But transformation is in the wind....</b><div> </div><div>In the wake of tragedy,Lev Rosen, Ellis Rosen,Woundabout,Little, Brown Books for Young Readers,0316370789,Brothers and sisters,Brothers and sisters;Fiction.,Capybaras as pets,Capybaras as pets;Fiction.,Change,City and town life,City and town life;Fiction.,Magic,Orphans,Action & Adventure - General,Adventure stories (Children's Teenage),CHILDREN'S FICTION ACTION ADVENTURE,Children's BooksAges 9-12 Fiction,Children: Grades 4-6,Family - Siblings,Fiction,Fiction-ActionAdventure,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION Action & Adventure General,JUVENILE FICTION Family Siblings,JUVENILE FICTION People & Places General,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile FictionFamily - Siblings,Juvenile FictionPeople & Places - General,Juvenile Grades 4-6 Ages 9-11,People & Places - General,United States
Woundabout Lev Rosen Ellis Rosen 9780316370783 Books Reviews
Best part of the book The curiosity of what it's about based on the cover art and title.
Second best part The illustrations.
Worst part There is so much redundancy, it was hard to get past the repeated names. It will say 'Conner and Cordelia did this,' instead of 'The children' or 'the kids.' This is an issue for me because I was reading it to my kids at bedtime last night. Reading the characters' names over and over again felt like I couldn't just get on with it and get through the story. It was so boring.
I read 3 chapters, and the 6 interesting tidbits of info I noticed were
1) Their parents (yes, two dads) died in an explosion
2) The butler at their aunt's home is described as 'neutral.'
3) The town of Woundabout is not shown on Connor's smartphone map.
4) The butler appears in various rooms,but neither child can remember seeing him enter, or can remember how long he had been standing/sitting there.
5) The butler says Woundabout is a very special place. But you get the description of old buildings, no trace of another living being, and darkness with rain when the children first arrive.
I mean no disrespect to the authors, but the actual writing is poor. I say kudos to anyone who has the courage to write and illustrate a book. Formulating ideas and creating characters with a plot intriguing enough to make a person want to buy it at a glance -- is a triumph. I was very intrigued. But I did not read it word for word to my kids because I would have lost my voice reading 'Conner and Cordelia' again and again and again. You also have to read 'Aunt Marigold' again and again and again. Why not just say 'their aunt' or 'Auntie' or 'Aunt M' because those are only 2 syllables instead of 4 each time. I just got tired out reading the names. The part about Connor looking at his smartphone is so redundant. It says, more or less, he was looking at his smartphone apps, then he looked at his sister, then he looked back at his smartphone app, then he looked at his sister, then he looked at his smartphone GPS, then he looked at his sister's photo album. Just too much time and too many sentences are spent on describing this boring detail. And why not say 'phone' instead of 'smartphone,' after it has been said the first time?
Luckily, the Capybara's name is short, and the butler's name is short. I won't give their names away as a spoiler.
I'm not sure I'll read the rest of this book.
I think I will, because I want to know why Woundabout is a very special town.
The 2 stars are for the cover art, back cover description, and the title.
Okay, I read all books that mention capybaras. That's because I have a pet capybara. So I was very disappointed that the capybara in this book is a dog with another name. Except that it swims, it is exactly a dog, and a small dog at that. I had hoped that a children's book would actually strive to teach children something about the subject of their book, but such is not the case in this "middle grade" novel.
So why did I put "middle grade" in quotes? Because the author really talks down to the reader. I would not call this middle grade at all. It is definitely more suited for a younger audience, one where a parent reads a chapter per night while tucking their youngster into bed. The language and the concepts are simplistic. The story is more of a fairy tale than anything else. The horrific loss of the children's parents is glossed over in a single sentence. (Sadly, almost all the capybaras died too. Great, don't just stop with the people, kill off the animals too.)
The story is apparently about two children who are adopted by a gay couple. That's fine but since it isn't the norm, especially in a book like this, it needs to be explained a little bit. The only indications we get of this is that the children refer to two people called "Dad" and "Pop." I was confused by this, initially thinking that "Pop" might be a grandfather since people of different cultures often use different names for grandparents. Actually, at first I thought it was a typo. Anyway, the point is that some small amount of explanation is necessary. I'm not saying the author should explain about how two men can be parents, I'm just saying that somewhere they should mention that the two parents were men.
Awesome book my kids love it!!!!!!!
An inventive exploration of change, family and urban design. The children, Cordelia and Connor are orphaned due to a accident that takes the lives of their fathers. They go to live with their Aunt Marigold in the town of Woundabout. The art work propels the story and is well integrated into the composition. We hope that this becomes a series of books about these attractive characters and their adventures.
Interesting concept, but the author left too much deeper material out.
Though written for young people, probably junior high or high school, I loved reading this book. I think it speaks to any age person. At first I thought the drawings looked a bit unusual, but I came to love them too. They are VERY expressive and help to tell the story. Once I read page one and the first sentence on page two, I laughed and was curious to see what was next. This book is a mix of fantasy and a moral tale which left me feeling happy.
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